Drink Your Greens

  • Apr 03,2024
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Smoothies are a staple that is here to stay, and we’re all about it. They are versatile, a convenient way to consume a variety of nutrients in one serving, and adaptable to include a wide range of ingredients, depending on what you’re craving.

Speaking of ingredients, this Matcha Avocado Walnut Smoothie has all of the essentials. The matcha adds an earthy and subtly sweet flavor, balancing the honey’s sweetness and the butteriness of California walnuts. The avocado is the perfect addition to this smoothie, mainly because it creates a creamy, smooth texture without the need for a dairy ingredient. Lastly, the mint provides a herbaceous note with just the right amount of freshness, perfect for the upcoming tastes of spring!

We love to add walnuts to just about anything, but especially so when it comes to smoothies. They enhance the smoothie with a nutty complexity that complements the other flavors incredibly well. Walnuts bring this smoothie to a whole new level, and they add so many nutrients. In fact, an ounce of walnuts has 4 grams of protein, 45 milligrams of magnesium, 2 grams of fiber, and 2.5 grams of ALA, the plant-based omega-3 essential fatty acid, which is the most ALA of any tree nut! Add walnuts to your green smoothie, and you are sure to capitalize on a nutritious, refreshing, and delicious beverage.

Now that our mouths are watering, let’s dive into how to craft this Matcha Avocado Walnut Smoothie.


  • 1 cup of low-fat milk (you can also substitute your nondairy milk of choice)
  • 2 tablespoons of California walnuts
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of lime juice
  • 1 teaspoon of matcha powder
  • 12 fresh mint leaves
  • 2 ice cubes
  • 1 frozen banana
  • ¼ of an avocado


  1. Place all ingredients in a high-speed blender and blend until the mixture is smooth.
  2. Pour the smoothie into two glasses, or save half for later!

Our favorite way to enjoy this Matcha Avocado Walnut Smoothie is after a workout, in the morning for breakfast or as a snack whenever a craving hits (which is often!). Remember: To keep your walnuts fresh and delicious, put them in the cheese drawer of your refrigerator. You can use the walnuts both cold and at room temperature (cold walnuts are the perfect addition to an icy smoothie).

For more smoothie inspiration, check out these yummy recipes!