Healthy Breakfast Sandwich

recipe Detail


This healthy breakfast sandwich is a great way to start your day, with a toasted English muffin, avocado, turkey bacon, and a fried egg.


- 2 slices of whole grain bread

- 1 avocado

- 2 eggs

- 1 tomato

- Olive oil

- Salt and pepper to taste


1. Begin by preheating a non-stick pan on medium heat.


2. Cut the avocado in half and remove the pit. Slice the avocado into thin slices.


3. Slice the tomato into thin slices as well.


4. Crack the eggs into a small bowl and beat them with a fork. Add a pinch of salt and pepper to taste.


5. Drizzle a little olive oil onto the heated pan.


6. Place one slice of bread onto the pan and let it toast for about 1-2 minutes.


7. Once the bread is toasted, remove it from the pan and set it aside on a plate.


8. In the same pan, add a little more olive oil if needed and pour in the beaten eggs. Use a spatula to scramble the eggs until they are fully cooked.


9. Place the scrambled eggs on top of the toasted bread slice.


10. Add the sliced avocado on top of the eggs.


11. Place the sliced tomato on top of the avocado slices.


12. Season with a little bit of salt and pepper to taste.


13. Place the second slice of bread on top of the sandwich.


14. Lightly press down on the sandwich to make sure all the ingredients stick together.


15. Place the sandwich back onto the pan and let it toast for another 1-2 minutes.


16. Once the bread is toasted on both sides, remove it from the pan and let it cool for a minute.


17. Cut the sandwich in half and serve hot.

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