Marmite and cheddar bubble and squeak

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Bubble and squeak (that’s fried cabbage-studded mashed potato for the uninitiated) is one of those chameleon dishes that can become breakfast, served as a side or don the starring role itself. We’ve taken it up a notch with cheese and a little Marmite for umami, perfect for topping with fried eggs.


- 1 cup mashed potatoes

- 1 cup cooked and chopped vegetables (such as carrots, peas, and corn)

- 1/4 cup grated cheddar cheese

- 2 tablespoons Marmite

- 2 tablespoons olive oil

- Salt and pepper, to taste

- Dried herbs of your choice (optional)


1. In a large mixing bowl, mix together the mashed potatoes, cooked vegetables, grated cheddar cheese, and Marmite. Make sure all the ingredients are well combined.

2. Season the mixture with salt and pepper, and any dried herbs of your choice.

3. Heat a large non-stick pan over medium heat and add in the olive oil.

4. Once the oil is heated, use a spoon to scoop the potato and vegetable mixture into the pan, shaping it into a patty. Repeat until all the mixture is used up. You should get about 4-6 patties depending on the size.

5. Cook the patties for about 5 minutes on each side, or until golden brown and crispy.

6. Once done, remove the patties from the pan and place them on a paper towel-lined plate to absorb any excess oil.

7. Serve the bubble and squeak hot and enjoy as a side dish or as a main meal. You can also serve it with some extra Marmite on top for added flavor. Enjoy!

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